Our First Annual Snow Family Celebration

Well....for the first time ever it went very well. Because we are actively searching for a new place to live...our day was cut a bit short. But that is okay. I made blueberry muffins for breakfast and we had orange juice with them (Which is such a treat for us!) Then we went into town to look at a rental, but aftwards we went downtown to a shop called Woolson's. There is our children's favorite thing! A mechanical horse, but not like today's modern ones. This one is at least 50 years old and it only costs 25 cents for a ride that lasts for a very long time!!!! They each got to ride the hors 3 times! They were so happy! After that we went down to the coffee shop on the corner at Hubby and I got our favorite drinks (The Buckeye, and a Mocha). That was really nice and then we headed home. Once we got home I put the ham in the oven to bake. So..since we were going to eat a lot we had a late lunch. We had baked ham, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and Wasail (recipe complements of Marci!) It was a very nice lunch. Oh yes...I forgot that during the day our family started working on our very own version of the traditional ABC book. We haven't decided what to do for all the letters, but once we do Hubby will slowly start illustrating them. He is a very good artist (at least in my humble opinion)

So anyway...I just wanted to let you know how our day went. Next year when Hubby has time off we are going to do a lot more things. This will one day turn out to be a week long activity. We have a lot of ideas for things! I am excited. We decided to do this since we don't get into Christmas with Santa and all the gifts. We wanted a time for our family to celebrate what the Lord has done for us and I think this is going to be the perfect way to do it! May you all have a God Filled Day!


Marci said…
Sounds like you did have fun. Is Woolsons in Mt. Vernon on the square?

It is always good to start traditions!!!
LadySnow said…
Woolson's is right next to Gospel Supply shop. It is fun to start traditions and it will be more fun to see how they evolve!

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