Fair Warning

I just wanted to give everyone fair warning that the posts on this blog for the next month or two may be sporatic and "crazy". We are definately moving. Where....I don't know yet, but we know we want to be moved by the first of December. They are selling this house, but it may be a while....but one of son's might buy it and rent the house, ....but..... There are just too many "what if's" and we decided it would just be best to move. Trust us...we don't want to move. This will make our 4th move in 4 1/2 years of marriage. We are trying our best not to worry about it. We know the Lord will provide us with a place to live, but the thought of moving again is almost just too overwhelming. We just want to find a place where we can live for 5 years and not have to move. We moved out of the trailer because I was promised we would only stay there a year to save money. The house after that...we found out that our Landladies where definately gay and I wanted out as soon as possible. This time...it isn't really our choice to move (nor is it the choice of the daughter that is in charge of the home) but when the owner (their father) died one of the children really wants her money. So anyway...as I said things will be a little crazy around here.

Probably because of everything going on Hubby gave me "permission" to go to JoAnn's today for their big sale. I got 2 yards of two different flannels to make jammies for the children, a Sunbonnet Sue cross-stitch pattern book, and the 99 Little Doilies book that I have seen Anna talk about a lot. I really wanted the 99 Snowflakes book too, but with us moving I didn't want to spend anymore money. I spent $25 and I saved $24. With my coupons I saved $13 and the flannel was half price and that saved me around $10. I thought I came away with some great deals.

Well I better go. I figured I better pack a few boxes everyday. That part always seems to take so long! Then I need to get ready for our 1st Annual Snow Family Celebration Day! May all have a God-Filled Day!


Peggy said…
you can move to NC! Would love to have you for a neighbor!
LadySnow said…
Well...we are not moving that far away..:) thanks for the offer though. We need to stay nearby as Hubby's new job is going great! Maybe someday...we will see what the Lord has in store. ;)

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