Lay Up Treasures in Heaven

This morning's devotion was not necessarily "new" to many people, but it is a good reminder. It was on Matthew 6:19-21. It spoke about laying up treasures in heaven instead of on earth where thieves can steal it and it can be destroyed. Where our treasure is....our heart is there also. Where is your treasure? I am not saying that we can not beautify our homes, but how do you go about it. Do you think you need designer this and that...or do you find simple things to beautify your home without spending a lot of money. We need to concentrate on things above and not things that can be destroyed in a fire or that can be taken (stolen) from us.

A good way to put this "command" into action is to be Thrifty? Are you a thrifty person? I know I try. I have failed the past few weeks, but I have been reminded (by myself) that I need to be careful of how I spend the money my husband works so very hard for. I am sorry I am going to have to cut this short, but I hear the children starting to "stir" in their beds. Just remember ...are you extravagant or thrifty. May you have a wonderful God Filled Day!


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