Braggin' on Hubby

I just had to take time to brag on my wonderful Hubby. Today he got a really nice letter from a customer and a gift card to Bob Evans! WhoooHooo! Everyone is so surprised. His boss said, "I have never seen that before." (Meaning a customer thanking a worker with a gift.) People have sent Thank you letters before but never gifts. I am so happy for him. We have had a really rough 4 years with his job situation. I am just so happy for him to find a job he enjoys and he feels like he is appreciated and can make a difference. So...congrats Hubby!


Anonymous said…
Hi!!! I just added you as a link on my blog under "my favorite websites"! I can't wait to visit your blog more often!
I had fun looking at your pictures!! I am a picture nut AND I love to knit and sew so I am sure I will LOVE reading about your life!!
Nice to meet you!! :) Bridget

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