Answered Prayer

Well...yesterday was a pretty rotten day. I didn't feel well when I woke up and just thought it was because of my back ache and lack of sleep from the previous night. Son didn't want to go to sleep until after 1:00 am! Anyway, we went to church and my stomach just never felt "quit right." We ran some errands afterward and when we got home Hubby fed the children supper and I went to bed. I stayed there for most of the evening. Well after Hubby got the children bathed and in bed I took my shower. I tried drinking some gatorade after and then.....I had to make the "mad dash" for the bathroom. I had to do that 3 times in 2 hours or less. I couldn't keep anything down! So..the only way to go to sleep was...not to eat or drink anything else. So..when I woke up this morning I was VERY THIRSTY. But I have been able to get some gatorade , handful of cereal, and a few pretzels down. I just feel really worn out. I am very grateful though that I still don't feel that way today though. We requested prayer and hubby prayed for me before I went to bed. So....I am very grateful for prayer today.

Now..after spending the morning in bed I am trying to do laundry and the mountain of dishes that have accumulated in the kitchen. (moving at a much slower pace too. ;) At least going to the grocery store tonight should be really, really easy and quick. Since the big OSU national championship game is tonight everyone will be at home getting ready and hardly anyone will be out. When I went to Lowe's the night of the OSU/Michigan game...There were 4 other customers in the store! hope everyone is having a great start to the week. May the Lord bless you!


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