Let our Light Shine

Matthew 5:16- "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven"

This was the verse for my devotion today and it definately gives you something to think about. Some people like to "brag" about what they have done for the Lord and they use this verse to supposedly back them up. Well...we are not to seek the approval of men. As Christians we are to love the Lord with all of our heart and good works will just be an outpouring of that love for Christ. If no one notices...so what. Our heavenly Father knows about it and that is the most important thing. I am very happy on how well my devotion time has been going this week.

Oh...guess what! I am going to be getting a digital camera. Peggy wrote and offered it to my family. I am so excited. It doesn't really matter that it is not the latest and greatest, but it is at least something for us and we are very grateful for it! Now I can post more pictures on my blog. THis is going to be great.

Yesterday our group canned around 180 quarts of Bacon and Bean soup. I will be bringing around 41 quarts home! I am so excited. When the baby comes and things get a little "crazy" it will be nice to warm up some soup and fix some cornbread. I still can't believe we were able to do all of that. It was such a blessing to be with other women working yesterday. My children did fairly well at the dear Sister's home. I wasn't sure how they would do being away from home for 12 hours and not on their regular schedule.

I almost forgot! I received my tea cosy from my swap at Crochetville. It is a lovely tea cosy and fits my tea pot perfectly. She also sent some french vanilla tea, two skeins of yarn, a tape measure (which I wanted for the diaper bag to take around with me), and some crocheted snowflakes which I absolutely love! I can't wait to receive my items for the Kit Mitts swap at Crochetmania. My partner is in the middle of moving right now though. So..I will just have to wait and that is fine. Well..I better get back to my duties and watch the children. Hubby should be home within the hour! God's Blessings to all!


Anna said…
I just found your blog!!! Yippee. I didn't know you had one. I will be linking here from mine so I can come and read it.
Amen to your verse!! I couldn't agree with you more. I am trying to get into a devotional schedule too.
Have a great day!!
Peggy said…
camera is on its way! Love your verse for the day. You will have to post pics of all your canning.
LadySnow said…
Anna...glad you found your way over here!
Peggy..I can't wait for the camera!

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