Show and Tell Friday (6/15)

Welcome to "Show and Tell Friday!" Do you have a something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, an antique find. Your show and tell can be old or new. Use your imagination and dig through those old boxes in your closet if you have to! Feel free to share pictures and if there's a story behind your special something, that's even better!

Well, today I was going to share something special with all of you. What is that you might ask? Why, it's Sweet E's "purpose" of course! is a picture of her purpose.

Still don't believe me? I guess I will just have to show you a video of her talking about her "purpose" then. =) So here you go.

I have told her it is a purse...and she even repeats it. But, when she talks about it she refers to it as her "purpose". I thought it was pretty funny. Blessings to all on this Glorious Friday that the Lord has given us.


Anonymous said…
That's my Lizzy! "Take a picture of my phone!" LOL! Well, at least she knows she has a purpose. A lot of people don't. :-)
Anonymous said…
How cute! It's nice to have a purpose in life. :)
Paula said…
What a doll! I think you have a future shopper on your hands. :)
Mrs. C
Trella said…
That is just too cute! How wonderful to already know her "purpose", you must be doing something right:)
LBP said…
Too Cute!! My friends grandaughter calls her purse a "pursabook.
Dawn said…
How sweet is that???
We all need a "purpose"!
Mary L. Briggs said…
That is a sweet video! You have a lovely daughter and a lovely blog--thanks for visiting mine!
Anonymous said…
That is precious, and hilarious. And yes, I agree with some of those above - she is smart to have a "purpose" in life! God bless!
Anonymous said…
Absolutely too sweet!!

That is great.
Julieann said…
That is just too cute:)

Kim said…
I love it!! She is beautiful.
Anonymous said…
You're killin me with all that cuteness! I'm just gonna grab my purpose and head out shopping!
pei girl said…
what a real cutie thank you for sharing found your site by way of becky's.have an awesome day love your blog
theups said…
Oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!!! That is TOOOOO adorable!! I am so glad that you shared this! She's such a sweetie!!!

Mrs. U
Susan said…
That is so cute!!!Both the darling child and the "purpose".
Lyndy said…
How precious she is, just adorable.

Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful and blessed weekend.

HsKubes said…
Aw, how cute!

~ Christina
Carole Burant said…
Now that is adorable!! lol What a little doll she is and I'm still giggling at how she calls the purse a "purpose"! Too cute! xo
Betty said…
I have many purposes and I have always liked them...

Thank you for your visit and comment about my pot of 'bloomers'....Betty
Kelli said…
Awww...she is SO cute! I loved the video!!
Disney for Boys said…
Ha Ha she is too cute for words! Loved this! Thanks for sharing!
Myrna said…
She is so cute and she definitely has the girl thing down. A girl has to have her phone and her purpose!
DixieRedHead said…
that was adorable!
Anonymous said…
Your daughter is too, too cute! Thanks for the great video. :)

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