Show and Tell Friday

Yes, it is already Friday and of course that means it is time for show and tell. Last night I was thinking about what I would show today and decided on this. It is a pencil drawing my wonderful Hubby made me for my birthday one year and then added some Bible verses to it. I love my Hubby's drawings, I wish he would draw some more for me. =) Hint, Hint ;) Sorry for the glare. It is from the flash and the drawing is in a frame. It is a drawing of the woman who just wanted to touch Jesus. I think it's beautiful.


Trella said…
How wonderful! Your husband is very talented, and that is very sweet of him to draw that.
Jenn4Him said…
What a gift! I am sure you will treasure it forever.
Tracy said…
What a lovely gift, and a talented hubby!
Sandra said…
Beautiful, your husband is very talented :)
Marci said…
Wow, Brian is quite an artist!!!!
Susan said…
Very lovely. No wonder you want more!
Lori said…
I like the drawing. Your husband is very talented.
I wish I could draw. The extent of my drawing is stick people. (hehe)
Thanks for stopping by my site and commenting. Please feel free to come back anytime.
Karen said…
Wow! He really is gifted! How wonderful to have such a keepsake to pass down.
Sharon said…
Your husband is very talented!! No wonder you want more! ;-)
Carole Burant said…
Such a beautiful drawing made even more special because your husband drew it! He has a lot of talent, it truly is an amazing drawing!!
Kelli said…
It's so beautiful! Your husband did a wonderful job and what a sweet gift!
Unknown said…
What talent you hubby has. I know this must be very special to you. I just love these show and tells as you never know what interesting things are going to be displayed! God bless!
Jodi said…
Stunning picture ~ what a talent your hubby has! :o)
Anonymous said…
Your dh is so gifted! Beautiful!

From your Secret Pal
Peculiar Blogs said…
Oh that's BEAUTIFUL!! What a wonderful gift!!

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