SMART Habits Saturday

"Participate in SHS for 3 out of 4 weeks in May to be entered in a drawing for Speed Cleaning by Jeff Campbell and of course I will make you an Organizing Bag to put it in. I love the book and I love his products at The Clean Team. If you want to be entered in the drawing, e-mail me the links to your entries when you're done with three of them. That makes it so much easier for me and I'm all about my life being easier! " -Lara

Okay...for the past two Saturdays I was going to make my bed everyday and the wash my sheets every week. Well...I still need a lot of help on making the bed everyday, but at least I am on the ball for washing the sheets. I washed the sheets earlier in the week since there was a chance of rain today and yesterday I went to a lot of yard sales. My new "habit" I hope to form is to floss my teeth everyday. Some times I do really well at this and other times it will be a week before I realize that I have done that. So wish me luck on my old and my new "habits." (well, not technically habits yet. )


Anonymous said…
I wish you grace from the Lord to establish these good habits. Take it from me, take care of your teeth before you lose them.

In Christ,

Toofliss (well, not really totally toofliss, but you know what I mean)

Well, I only have two teef missing, but another one is going to be pulled and ... oh, never mind.
Montserrat said…
Did you get to hang them on the line to dry?

Good luck with your new habit this week.
An Ordinary Mom said…
Good habits are sure hard to form, but at least we are making progress in the right direction :) !!

Good luck this week!
Rebecca said…
Good luck with your habits! I know how difficult the small things like taking care of your teeth can be. I'm still working on just brushing mine. Have a great week.
Michelle said…
Habits do take time but they will come! Good job with washing the sheets, I need to work on that one. Good luck this week with flossing!
Kelli said…
Keep up the great work! Tomorrow is always a new day! I washed my sheets this week too. :0)
Lei said…
It's a nice time of year to hang dry... tht's at least an incentive for me until it gets really muggy.

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