Do you have...

some songs that you just love to keep on repeat? Well, I have a couple and I thought I would share. The first one is "Down in the River to Pray" by Alison Krauss

The second is from a Ray Boltz song. My hubby took the last part of this song and put it on a CD 99 times for me. When I am having a rough day I just put this CD in and it helps me get through the rough patch. The part that I listen to starts at 4:11 till the end of the song. It is just that....99 times on a CD. I love it. :D


Marci said…
I love that Alison Kraus too. It is on my blog, or at least I think it is still there. I love that last part of the Ray Boltz song as well.

Thanks for putting a link to my store on your blog!!
Anonymous said…
I have enjoyed reading your blog for a few years now. I thought it was so neat to see your post on the park because we love that park too, we were just there last night for 4H. what a small world!


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