
There has been a lot of sewing going on lately. I made pajama pants for Big T last week, his Jungle, "H" sewed a nightgown for Sweet E and today I made a skirt for myself. Now..I just have to decide whether I am going to make a dress for Sweet E, a jumper, or a skirt. Hmmmm...have to think about that one for a while.

I just wanted to give an update...some people were curious. I have been dealing with my angry spirit creeping back in. I had it controlled a couple of years ago, but have let myself get further from the Lord and it creeped back in. Over the past few weeks the Lord has helped me to control my anger. I have my moments, but the Lord is working through me and I know that he will change me for the better. So...for all of you who have been praying for me...Thank you. It means a lot. :D


Jane H said…
I can't imagine you being angry. You are one of the sweetest people I know :)
Marci said…
Melanie, Praise The Lord that you recognize it and are working on it. Most people have an excuse as to why it is not their fault.
Anna said…
I have been praying for you dear friend. I am so glad the Lord is helping you deal with this. God bless you sweetie.

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