Happy Birthday Big T!

Today is Big T's 4th birthday! I can't believe how fast he is growing up. Four years ago it was just me and him at home during the day. Now he has to share time with 2 others. He is such a wonderful big brother. He helps me will Little E all the time. So...for his birthday I just wanted to share some pictures with you all.


Anonymous said…
What a sweet boy! It is funny seeing his baby pictures, because he looks so grown up now. Tell him I said Happy Birthday! :-D
Marci said…
Happy Birthday "T"!! I remember you when you were wee tiny. Your Mom was a good sharer. =)
Michelle said…
I love the picture with him wearing the goggles!
Anna said…
Happy birtday!!! Thank you for sharing the pictures. Isn't it amazing to look back and see how tiny they were??? Almost un-imaginable...

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