
Just because I have (once again) fallen behind I am just going to post a bunch of random photos that were on the camera. :-) First up is Shad. He can be such a pain some times, but we do love him. We got him when Big T was about 8 or 9 months old I think.

I miss living in the country, but I am so glad that we have a fire pit so we can roast yummy marshmallows. :-)

Yummy marshmallows!

Special K loves taking rides in the wagon.

Oh yeah. I did do a little something for myself last week. Remodeling my kitchen is definitely not a possibility at this times, so I have tried to decorate my kitchen any way I can without breaking the budget. I made these curtains back in April. I have been trying to incorporate more of the 40's color scheme in my kitchen. Red and White was a main theme along with Jadeite. Well, since my walls were already yellow I just added some blue and red accents. :-) It's working out pretty well. The most recent thing I did was take this clock apart...

Spray painted the frame red and modge podged the inside with the same fabric as the curtains. I even spray painted the paper towel holder red...just because. :-)

Well, I have many more pictures to post, but I need to finish the art lesson with Big T and Sweet E and get the children ready for the first soccer practice tonight! :-)


Suzanne P said…
Hi Melanie!

Great job on the clock!! I would LOVE to see photos of the curtains you made. You are so crafty :)

Have a great day!

Anna said…
I am trying to figure out what to do with my kitchen on a budget too. I have yet to attempt curtains for the windows. Maybe I should try that first. Great job on yours. I really want to see your curtains that match the clock.

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