Birthdays and Soccer

At least I am not a month behind on posting pictures....right? :-) Big T's birthday happened to be the same day as the Easterday Reunion up at my BIL's house. So we took his cake up there to share with everyone. (I didn't want to make him wait for his cake)

I am so glad that he liked his cake. I am curious what he will ask for next year though! Special K enjoyed playing inside Big T's tent. :-)

Of course the pool was a big hit with all the children. :-)

My SIL even started throwing water balloons. Little E thought that was great fun!

You can even tell that their chickens are free range in this photo. See that feather? One of the many things Special K tried to put in her mouth. Yuck!

Waiting for a ride on the four wheeler.

It's no wonder it takes me so long to clean the house. Little E came up with one of the shop vac attachments stuck on his arm. LOL

And then he thought it was funny and put the other one on too.

Upward Soccer practices started last week. Big T, Sweet E, and Little E are all playing this year. And all are on different teams. (Little E is in the light blue.)

Fair season has started and there will be many more soccer pictures. :-)


Anna said…
That is an awesome cake!!! I love it! Chloe asked me yesterday if she could play soccer. I think knowing that Sweet E plays has made her think maybe she should try too. I will have to look and see if we have something like Upwards here. That would be neat.
LadySnow said…
Our Upward Soccer program is actually considered the "off season." Most churches do this in the spring.

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