We're back...

I realize most of you probably didn't even know my family was gone from Friday until this evening. I have lots of pictures to post but I just wanted to say "Hi!" and share something. It still gives me the creeps. I went to start laundry tonight. The bucket that I keep the dirty diapers in got left by the back door, next to the washer, last week when I did the laundry. I don't recall leaving it outside for a period of time...but maybe I did. Anyway, I went to start a load of laundry, looked over into the bucket to move it, and saw a BAT! Yes, there was a bat laying face down, dead, inside the bucket. I have no idea how it got there. As I said, I may have left it outside overnight, but I can not be sure. I don't think I did....and....if I didn't....how did it get in the house and why did it land in the bucket. Yuck...hubby is disposing of it now.


Marci said…
That is pretty gross. Are any of your windows opened even a crack without a screen? We had a window AC unit and the window would slide down just a crack (they were double hung windows). I guess bats like little cracks and one came in our bedroom and was on the rafter. I walked in and thought, "I don't remember that big knothole in the wood." Then I realized what it was.
Rachel said…
oh my gosh! I would of been scared to see that!!
Anonymous said…
EEEWWWW!!! Shudder... Where did Ron put my smelling salts?!?!?!

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