Of all things....

I mentioned, over a week ago, that I went for a visit with my Mom while Beloved went to a camp as a counselor. Some of you know that this was a Baptist camp in Northeast Ohio, but I don't think I mentioned that this was a PAINTBALL church camp. Yep, you heard me right...this is a job that a majority of men would NOT turn down. I finally got to see some pics from our friend (who was the "director") and I thought I would share some. I put a red arrow on one pic to point out Beloved. They all had a great time and Beloved had the privilege of leading a young boy to Christ.
(The last picture has most of the teens pointing at the director. It's funny.....he was the referee for the paintball games, but he ended up getting hit quite a lot. :)


Anonymous said…
Aha! So, that is why everyone is so enthusiastic to "serve" up there... LOL!
Marci said…
I can see Brian getting into that. Men and boys.....

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