What A....

Blessing! You won't believe what we got for $1! (well actually they just wanted to give it to us...but we paid them a dollar for it.) Can you guess?...............
Keep guessing....
Yes, we got a "new" van (compliments of a wonderful family that wanted to bless us). It is 3 years newer than the one we currently have and the air conditioning works! We haven't had air conditioning in either of our cars for 2 summers! Now...I just need to transfer everything from the other van and pray that we can get it sold. :D God is good....all the time!

**Update- after driving, praying, and giving it more thought. We like our old van much, much better. So we are praying to sell this "blessing" van so it can give us the funds we need to put air conditioning in our old van. :D We tried very hard to like the newer one, but we just kept finding more and more things that we didn't like.


Anonymous said…
Wow! Praise the Lord! What a wonderful gift. :-D
Kathie said…
Isn't God Awesome!!!!
Blessings from Costa Rica
Carrie said…
wonderful!!!! wow!! what a blessing!!
Kelli said…
Oh my! What a wonderful blessing, Melanie! I pray that it sells quickly, so you can repair your old van!
Marci said…
What a great blessing Melanie!!!

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