Busy, Busy, Busy
Wow! I thought I fell behind before on pics, but today I realized I had about 100 pics on the camera that I hadn't downloaded yet. So...I thought I would do a summary of how our week went.
Sunday- Was our Anniversary...posted about it earlier. And the children had VBS with Nana
Monday- Good day to dig in the dirt and play under the bush. (Of course they couldn't stay clean for VBS with Nana. So..they had to get a shower before they left.)
Monday- Good day to dig in the dirt and play under the bush. (Of course they couldn't stay clean for VBS with Nana. So..they had to get a shower before they left.)
Wednesday- Down to the river to pray, to throw a few rocks, and the privilege of witnessing two in our fellowship being baptized.
I have some fun pictures to show, but that will have to wait till tomorrow or Monday.