Twists and Turns

Isn't it amazing how you can be going along in your day, just like you always do, and then just one itsy, bitsy tiny thing happens....And then it all changes. When I say little...I do mean little. As in something around an 1/8th of an inch. Big T and Sweet E were playing downstairs and then next thing I knew Big T was screaming about his toe. Well, I looked at his toe and didn't notice anything. He was walking funny as he went back into the other room and just kept complaining about the pain. After looking closer I discovered what appeared to be a sliver of glass in the ball of his foot. I have absolutely no idea where this little triangle shape piece came from, but it didn't matter at this point. I needed to get it out and he wasn't about to let me. Beloved told me to soak his foot in warm water to help soften the skin up. I thank the Lord that Beloved only works about 20 minutes away from home. He came home and helped to get the piece out. It's amazing how strong that boy can be! But Beloved was able to get it out. We are letting him soak his foot again and then it will be bandaged. It is just amazing sometimes to think how something so small can make such a large impact in our lives. We are the same way really. We are insignificant when you look at the world as a whole, but with the Lord's help we too can have a large impact. Blessings to all!


Marci said…
I am so glad you were able to get it out. I know what you mean about trying to hold them down. It is amazing the amount of strength that they have.
Jane H said…
Glad he's ok! Little pieces of glass like that hurt like mad!
Anna said…
Sometimes its the little things that hurt the most. Even in life.

Chloe trys to be tough too. She won't let us even look at her boo boos.
Anonymous said…
Remind me to tell you the story about the piece of glass that lived in my foot for a year without me knowing about it.
nannykim said…
ohh, that can hurt!! There are lots of Spiritual applications to be found in our daily living '-)

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