Show and Tell Friday (4/11)

Show and Tell

Welcome to "Show and Tell Friday!" Do you have a something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, an antique find. Your show and tell can be old or new. Use your imagination and dig through those old boxes in your closet if you have to! Feel free to share pictures and if there's a story behind your special something, that's even better!

Oh my, I haven't participated in Show and Tell for too long. Today I thought I would show a find. Beloved took yesterday afternoon off to be with us, so we thought it would be good to try a used furniture store in another town and then we looked at the Flea Market in town. dressers were found for Big T but we did find something else. We found this awesome wooden pirate ship for only $15. Most of the pieces seem to be there. We just need to get it together. Here you can see how tall it is next to Big T and Little E.

Big T is so excited! I did some searching on the internet when we got home and found it at number of places. One place had it on clearance for over $50 and the kicker was...I found it (first) at the Pottery B@rn website for $149!!!! I couldn't believe it. I am so happy with our find. :D


Muum said…
That looks perfect for your boys! The smile on your older boy tells me they will have a lot of fun with it. YOu are the second Ohio blogger I've run into at Kelli's show and tell today! I am from Ohio, too. small world.
Anonymous said…
Oh! That is super nifty! You didn't tell me about THAT this morning... ;-)
What a wonderful buy and your son will have a great time playing with it! Thank you for sharing, Melanie!


Susan said…
I'll bet your 2 boys are SOOOO excited. Neat find.
Hootin Anni said…
Oh wow....we live on the beach, and we have a pirate history here in town...and our house is 'sea faring' in a lot of rooms...and we love POTC movies...and we'd LOVE to have this, but I tellya, I'm not gonna go show hubby your share, he'd just drool.


Mine's shared too, I hope to see you drop by if you haven't already. I'd love to have you for company.
Anna said…
What a gorgeous boat. I am sure they will have hours of fun with it. And to think...I get to come play with it soon. :)
Charlotte said…
What a great bargain. What great memories it made for you and the boys.
Great one! mine's up hope you can drop by. Have a wonderful weekend!
Susie said…
What a wonderful find at a bargain price. Our grandsons always enjoyed playing pirates when they were younger.
Marci said…
I love finding deals like that. You did good!!!
How neat! My son would love a ship like that
Thanks for sharing
Gotta love those sales! The
boys will love it! You couldn't
buy a video game for $15.00,
& this will last much longer!
nancy said…
WOW! And it is beautiful!
Rue said…
That pirate ship is so cute! I can't believe you found it for only $15!! Amazing :)

Cute boys too ;)

j said…
I LOVE a bargain and a flea market find. Very cool. Is it for the boys to play with or is it decorative? One way or the other, it is definitely neat!

The Apron Queen said…
Late making my rounds. Awesome show & tell. Stop by for a plate of Just Peachy Cobbler.

For your daily dose of vintage goodness & a bit of silliness, stop by Confessions of an Apron Queen, the home of Vintage Thingies Thursdays.
Kelli said…
Wow! That is an amazing find, Melanie! I know your boys will have lots of fun with it!
Anonymous said…
Hey, is anybody home at this blog?

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