Show and Tell Friday (7/20)

Welcome to "Show and Tell Friday!" Do you have a something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, an antique find. Your show and tell can be old or new. Use your imagination and dig through those old boxes in your closet if you have to! Feel free to share pictures and if there's a story behind your special something, that's even better!

This week I wanted to Show off Big T's latest adventure. Last week he attended Bible school and Grandma S' church. The theme was Avalanche Rance and I know there are a LOT of churches doing this one. It fit him perfectly since he has a love of horses. So I just wanted to share a few pictures from the last night of Bible school....or as Big T calls it, Cowboy School. ;) Here is a picture of Little E and Grandpa S waiting for the program to start.
The next two pictures are of the children standing up front. Not good pictures, but you can tell they all have the "deer in the headlight look." =) Big T is in the front row...the only one with pants on instead of shorts.

Each child was able to take a "horse" home with them. They had enough extra that they let Sweet E have one too! She was really happy to pick out her own horse.
Here is a picture of my two horse enthusiasts. Big T had so much fun that week. For the next few days I would hear, "I wanna go to Cowboy school" or "Grandma comin' and I go to Bible School." (Grandma took him every night but one.)
This is a picture of his classroom. A friend of our built this creek that went around the room. It was really neat. I felt bad though because one of the children decided to poke a hole in the lining and it sprung a leak. I think they were able to patch it up okay though. =)
This last picture is of Little E with Grandma...he had so much excitement that night it wore him out.
The last thing I wanted to share is of Grandma and Big T dancing to one of the bible school songs. I just thought it was too cute. They were watching the screen and is why they weren't facing the crowd. (I apologize that the video is kind of dark.) Hope you all enjoy. Blessings to all and have a wonderful weekend!


charish said…
What a fun Vacation bible school. We never had any thing like that when I was a kid.
Anonymous said…
Sure looks like fun and grandma rocks! Blessings...
Anonymous said…
That was awfully cute ... grandma dancing. I love it!
Kim said…
How cool is that? Thank you for sharing. Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.
Proverbs 22:6
jodi said…
Looks like so much fun and that the children got horses also.
Pen of Jen said…
So many precious things to comment about. I love Grandpa and Grandma in the photos, I love that the 'horse' was so cool, and I love cowboy school!
Anonymous said…
How fun. I loved VBS as a child.
LBP said…
Sounds like he had a ball! What fun.
Mary L. Briggs said…
Adorable pictures! I love VBS!
Kelli said…
That looks like a really fun vacation Bible school! We went to one this year with the same theme and Grace loved it!!

Marci said…
How cute to see Grandma and T dancing. It looks like he had lots of fun!!!
Jane H said…
LOL!!! What a cute bunch of pictures! Looks like T had a great time!
Anonymous said…
What a cute bunch of buckaroos!
Susan said…
Sounds like an exciting Bible School. So sweet your little daughter got a horse too.
Amanda said…
Ah the fond memories!

Unknown said…
Oh what a wonderful theme and the classroom was awesome! I would have wanted to go back for more too!

I loved how Grandma interacted with Big T. A great Grandma indeed!
Anonymous said…
Those stick horses are so cute! Looks like a great time.
Lallee said…
Your pictures were wonderful. It is obvious how well Avalanche Ranch was enjoyed by the little kids......and the big kids ;-) My church used the same program this summer.
What a fun looking VBS. I know the kids must have had a blast. Thanks for sharing with us.
Lyndy said…
How fun.

Thanks for sharing and have a blessed weekend.

Anonymous said…
Too much fun! I used to love VBS!

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