Saying Goodbye......

This past weekend we (our church family included) said goodbye to a wonderful family. This family left yesterday morning for the country of Columbia to serve for 6 months. In some ways it will seem like such a long time and in other ways I know it will go by very quickly. On Friday we had a large get together to have a time of dinner, prayer, and fellowship. My family had to leave early (will tell why later), but I just wanted to show some pictures from Friday night. And I also wanted to say that my prayers are with this family as I know they are doing the Lord's will.


Jane H said…
Mel those are great pictures! I love the one of Brian with the baby!
Marci said…
Great pictures there Mrs. Snow!! I see you got a good one of Captola holding little E. =)
Anonymous said…
LOL!!! Thanks a lot, Melanie! ;-D

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