In The Kitchen....

Well...I have been having a lot of fun in the kitchen lately. At the end of last week I made a wonderful parsley salad...also known as Tabouli, or Tabbouleh, depending on how you feel like spelling it. I got the recipe from Mrs. M and it is a great salad! It has strong flavors but you really must try it. Here's a picture of it. Doesn't it look great! =) (and just a note...she uses 3 cups of parsley...I only use 2 and it's plenty for us.)

On Monday, my helper and I made Blueberry-Banana bread. I don't have a picture of it, but it is awesome! I have had a couple of pieces everyday and so have the children. It's really good. Then today I made some refrigerator style pickles. This recipe also came from Mrs. M. I hope I did it right. How long do I need to let them sit until they are ready to eat? Anyway, here is a picture before I put the lids on.

Don't worry I have a ton of pictures of the children I need to post. I hope to do some of that tomorrow. Blessings to all!
Oh yes...I wanted you to all know about my Hubby's blog. Go and check it out!


Anonymous said…
That picture of that tabouli is making me crave it, again. :-D You can let the pickles sit for about a week before eating them, but they get better with age. You did a good job! :-)

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