Laundry, Laundry, & More Laundry

Yes, Mondays are my laundry days. They just seem to take forever. My washer...even on the short cycle....takes a long time. Longer than it should. Hubby is going to take a look at it this evening and see if he can figure out what is going on. The other day I read this article on Homeliving Helper. I long to have a lovely linen closet. Well...for one..I don't have a lot of linens, but someday. I love reading her blog. I get so inspired to do so many things and it is a good reminder to keep me home neat, tidy, and inviting for my family and for visitors.
I got this great book from the Library the other day called The American Girls Handy Book by Lina Beard and Adelia B. Beard. It was originally published in 1887. It is a really neat book. It gives instructions for girls on how to: make a lawn tennis net, make a hammock, model in clay/wax, how to make homemade candy, make corn husk and flower dolls, and a lot more. I wouldn't purchase this book because it has things about fortune telling and halloween games in it, but I can glean a few items from it to use with my daughter as she gets older.
Well I best get back to my laundry. May all have a God Filled day!


Marci said…
Melanie... welcome to the world of blogging. I was excited to see your name on my comments. I really miss you and the little ones. We are down to one car right now, so I don't go too many places.

I will keep checking in!!!!!
LadySnow said…
You know you are welcome any time you can get up here. you will have to especially make a trip up here in February!

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