Gluten Free Cookies

I don't know why, but I have always had a hard time making Beloved's favorite cookie. The oatmeal raisin cookie. They would always spread out and not look good at all. (Although they would still get eaten. :-D ) Now that hubby is eating gluten free I figured it was about time to give the gluten free version a try. Here is the link to the recipe I used. Although I didn't use baking raisins (just regular ol' raisins for us.) and I used 1 c. sorghum flour, 1/4 c. tapioca starch and 1/4 c. of coconut flour.

Yes we use butter in this house. Keep the margarine away! :-D

I don't know what happened. I guess I got so focused on making the cookies I forgot to take anymore pictures until the finished product came out of the oven. ;-)

Not only did they look pretty good, but they tasted wonderful too! I am so excited to have a good gluten free oatmeal raisin cookie for Beloved. I hope to make some the next couple of days to put into the freezer so I can add a cookie to his lunch every once in a while.

Cooking gluten free has been an adventure for our family, but in a good way. I am definitely more aware of the ingredients of things I purchase from the grocery store. Some things are shocking! Anyway, I pray you are all having a blessed week. :-)


THose look like they're right out of a cookbook! And healthy to boot! Just beautiful and you finally got the cookie you were looking for. :)

Hey, I have a blogging pal named Paula who writes a blog called, "It's All Gouda." Her family is gluten free and she posts THE most incredibly delicious recipes. I've incorporated some even thought that's not something we struggle with. If you stop by her place, would you be kind enough to tell her I sent you? She does a lot of good and hard work to bless her family and others and I'd like her to know it's appreciated. :)

Thank you, dear girl, and how's that new baby?!
Yep, here's the link: Now, her youngest has been really sick so her last post is over two weeks old but she usually posts more frequently. And PLEASE scroll back through her archives. They are so worth it! Bon Apetite!

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