Baby Girls All Around!

I just had to say what a wonderful time of year. Not just because the holidays are coming up, but because of all the new baby girls (and a baby boy too!) First was Beloved's cousin...she had a little boy two days before Baby K was born. Then yesterday a friend had her first baby (a girl) and her cousin followed suit about 3 hours later! Just many more things to be thankful for. Oh how fun it would be to get all those babies together, but sadly we all live in different states. God is so good! I just had to share that. :-) I should add that while Baby K is my fourth child this is the first for the other three Mamas. May the Lord bless you all on the wonderful journey of Motherhood that is ahead of you. :-)


shelley amstutz said…
beautiful baby girl! saw you guys at the parade today, hope the kiddos had fun. we were in the twirling group dressed in red following the bright yellow hummer.
Cher said…

Saying Hi and Following you from Mama Bzz!

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