Have to catch up....

It is amazing what one day away from home can do to a person. It totally knocked my schedule off track, but I am trying to regain traction today. Gotta get that laundry done first and going to make myself a mocha soon too. So that will help. :D I first wanted to share a few pics from Friday when our wonderful friends Ron and Ginny came for dinner and games. We had some yummy pizza and iced Christmas Eve tea (Yummy!) After dinner I finally got to play Tri-Virsity. It was a lot of fun. I didn't win, but I didn't come in last either. ;-) I guess I wasn't trying for the "glory words." LOL

Poor Ron didn't want his pic taken. :-)

This boy just can't get enough pizza. :-D I love his eyes!

Game Time!

MMMMMM.......chocolate. Thanks Ginny!

The next morning we took it slow. The children and I stayed in our jammies longer than we should have, but then I decided to take the children to the parade in town. But first....I couldn't find Little E. I didn't know where he went. Then I walked into the laundry room and saw my clean clothes laying on the floor. He pulled my laundry out so he could climb in. I don't know what I am going to do with this child! :-)
After I got the goober out of the dryer and dressed. I loaded up the wagon with a chair for me and the younger two children. Big T helped me to pull the wagon. The parades starts real close to the house so we only had to walk about 3 1/2 blocks to watch it. Unfortunately Beloved had to work, but the children and I had a good time. Here is the crew after we arrived at our spot.

Big T spotted the start of the parade......

Here they come! Little E was dancing right along with the band. :-)

They loved the tractors......

.....big trucks......


....and horses.
Oh...and the library "drill team" is always fun to watch. :-)

Even though it was all fun and we got lots of candy :-) Little E was ready to go home. So ready that he started to pull the wagon with his sister in it!


Marci said…
Great pictures. I see Ginny wore her new outfit to your house!!! It looks like she is either expounding on something or singing one of her wonderful songs on that first picture!! :)
ModestyGirl... said…
Hi Melanie,
I love your blog. Would you mind if I linked to it on my new blog?

Unknown said…
lol that parade made me think of the ones we went to when we lived in oklahoma we lived in a super small town and they had one every year before the watermelon fest i miss the small town everything is so huge in jacksonville, fl!! your kiddos are so cute!!

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