I did it!

Yes, I did get up at 5am this morning. Two days in a row, that is a HUGE deal for me. Let's see if I can keep this up (but probably not on Sundays). Tomorrow will be the test. I am not the type of person that can sleep in two days in a row and then get up on time through the week. I am going to try to only allow myself (at first) to sleep in one day a week. We will see how that goes. ;) But, my quiet time the past two mornings has been wonderful! It's amazing how it totally changes my day. Today I was thinking about smiling. Do you know that people are drawn to a smile? It's true. Think about it. When you are out in a store or just out on a walk...there is something about a smile from someone. I guess it gives me "hope" that there are actually people out there with joy in their heart. Gotta wonderful sometimes with all the scowls I see. Make sure you have a smile on your face today. :) Oh...the other night when we went to the store Sweet E was so happy. When we walked in to get a shopping cart, a lady walking out gave Sweet E a smile. In response she said with glee, "Mama! Someone smiled at me!" She loves it when people smile at her. I guess it makes her feel special. Make someone feel special today. :D

While I am at it...I will do a Show and Tell Post for you all.
Show and Tell

Here is a picture of my Devotional Binder. Marci gave it to me a few years ago when Big T was just a baby. I love the things that she paints and this has always been a favorite with me. Obviously...because it has snowmen on it. When she gave it to me it had sections in it for my prayer list, my to do list, shopping list, monthly meal planning (Need to get back on track with that) and it has been such a blessing in my life. The binder's cover has been bent for a long time, but I am trying to make it hold out. If it ever totally gives out I will probably cut the cover off and save it. :D


Hootin Anni said…
That binder is extra special!!! I love it.

And I get up an hour before my hubby most every day. I like the quiet time and solitude...getting a whole lot accomplished before 'our' day begins.

And love the smile addition to your blog. love it.

My Show N Tell is posted, won't you drop by for a visit?
Kathi said…
I love it. So cute and practical. I use a basket to hold my Bible and journal. I should have shown it for show and tell. I didn't take pictures so I don't have one for this week. I will next.

Anonymous said…
I love anything with snowmen. I would frame it.
Jane H said…
Your binder is very pretty. Good luck with getting up. If I didn't have to work every day I'd sleep till at least 8:00 every day.
Marci said…
So, you still have it!!! I am glad you like it and use it.

Melanie, have you read the book, "Passionate Housewives, Desparate for God"? It is an excellent book written by Stacy McDonald and Jennie Chancey. Vision Forum publishes it. There is a section in there on women with young children and their quiet time. I think you need to read it. It really shows that at this season of your life, you need to find a good balance. I have the book and am reading it. If you want to borrow mine when I am done, I will gladly loan it to you. If you want, you can call and I will read that part to you. =)
LadySnow said…
Marci...I would love to borrow the book. I have been wanting to read it.
Dalyn said…
I gave up getting up that early. I get too tired and can't keep up with the kids and chores by dinnertime! *U*
Good for you though.YOu are training yourself to get up early. I had to train myself to go back to slep until 7
Adorable binder.

Here's smilin' at ya!
Unknown said…
Congratulations on early rising! I love to get up early; I feel like I get so much more done!
Nice binder, too.
ellen b. said…
the binder is great. A real keeper for sure. Enjoy your early mornings...
Anonymous said…
That is so sweet! I would keep the cover, too!
That is adorable! How special and sweet! What a great motivator to keep all of it organized, too. :o)

P.S. I love your Slingling blinkie!
nannykim said…
I love the binder--I have been experimenting with something a bit smaller, but I find it is just a tad too small--I really need a whole page for recording scripture passages that speak to me that day and all of the things to do that day. But I am trying to make it work. If you get time --tell me what size yours is and who made it for you--I was a bit confused. Wish you had shown some inside pics--if you do , let me know. Also--getting up at 5--I used to do that, but now I don't work outside the home. My husband gets up at 5--I get up after 6---the main thing for me is to try to get a total of 8 hours--much more health for me. But I agree--having the time with the Lord makes all the difference. When I worked I would have my devotions at night so I could have an extended time and then have something brief in the morning. Blessings!
maryt/theteach said…
Wonderful binder. Good luck on getting up so early - it's hard for me. But I'm trying!
Anonymous said…
What a sweet gift and a great organization tool, when we use them.
Kathy b
nannykim said…
Thanks for the answer
Lana G! said…
What a great binder! Congrats on waking up early!
Cheryl said…
You could make a color copy of that painting on that binder and spray the backside with spray adhesive and make a whole bunch of binders :-) ~Cheryl
Kelli said…
Good for you, Melanie!
The binder is so cute, I love snowmen! Marci is a sweet friend.
Anonymous said…
What a beautiful binder.

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