I am such a chicken!

Today I had to go to the dentist to have a cavity filled. Now, the last time I had a cavity I think I was around seven years old. I haven't had one since. Plus I had a bad experience with a dentist as a child, so that all played a factor today. My nerves started to get the better of me. (They probably thought I was the biggest chicken!) :o) But the Lord helped my nerves to calm down. I went ahead an opted to have a shot of Nov@caine and I am glad I did, but at least if I get one again I will know what to expect. But you can make sure I am brushing more than I did before to try and prevent having to have that done again. :D So...now I can relax. Hubby is up for his appointment next. ;o)


Anonymous said…
I'm glad for you, darling. I don't know if I told you that the time before last when I got one of my teeth pulled, I was such a mess I cried in the chair and everyone was wringing their hands wondering what to do with me. LOL! You did just fine. Keep brushing! :-D
Marci said…
Did they think you were funny taking their picture that way?

I HATE the dentist. I only go when I have to.
Kelli said…
Good for you, Melanie! I have been having some dental work done and I understand about the nerves. I held the assistant's hand while I got my needle...LOL
LadySnow said…
I guess I should have said that I didn't take that picture. It is from allposters.com
Anna said…
I don't like going to the dentist either. I have never had a cavity so I don't know what thats like but I do remember having my wisdom teeth pulled and that was enough to make me not want to go back.
Jane H said…
My mom actually likes going to the dentist :( She needs her Head examined I hate it!
JoAnn said…
I'm the same way. I've had two bad experiences. I've seen the dentist once in 6 years. If I do have a cavity and its a small one, I usually opt for having it filled without novacaine because I'm a big chicken with needles.

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