What a week!

Yes...I am still alive. Although...after the long weekend I had I am amazed that I am even functioning. And to think..this week is half over! We had a family get together on Saturday to celebrate 4 birthdays and then another family get together to celebrate Christmas. Yes..you read correctly...Christmas. My grandparents go to Florida for the winter and so my Mother's family likes to have the family get together before they head south. Then at home it has just been trying to catch up with various things.
My MIL's bday was on Monday and I had the privilege of making her cake. I meant to wish her a happy Birthday here on the blog, but Monday has come and gone in the blink of an eye...along with Tuesday and Wednesday. ;) Anyway...when I put the cake in the oven I had to rush outside to do some speed raking as the "leaf truck" was coming down the road. Then I made it back inside just in time for the timer to go off letting me know the cakes were done, but I ended up having to do a second batch because one of the layers completely fell apart. Go figure...and Sweet E has been getting into food for the past 2 weeks. If she can reach it she apparently thinks that it's her's to eat. So...we are dealing with that situation right now. Anyway, I know I am rambling, but I just wanted to let everyone know that I am around and hope to post some pictures from this weekend very soon. :D


Anonymous said…
Why, hello, darling! I'm glad you're back. :-D
Jane H said…
Sounds like a busy week :)

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