Show and Tell and Giving Thanks

Welcome to "Show and Tell Friday!" Do you have a something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, an antique find. Your show and tell can be old or new. Use your imagination and dig through those old boxes in your closet if you have to! Feel free to share pictures and if there's a story behind your special something, that's even better!

Today I am taking part in Kelli's Show and Tell and her Giving Thanks week. Last Saturday I had the chance to do something I had never done before. I put together a gingerbread house with my MIL and my children. My MIL made the gingerbread and then she had me help her assemble it and then decorate it. We didn't finish it all, but we hope to finish it this afternoon since she has the day off. I am pretty proud of myself. Next year maybe the children and I can do this as a school project/activity. is the gingerbread house in all it's glory. I hope to post a finished photo of it once it is completed. :D
We ran out of the mints that are the shingles for the roof. If no one would have eaten any there would have been plenty. :) Oh and learn. ;o) It is so much fun to take time out of already hectic schedules to spend time creating things and visiting with family. Take time today to do something special with your children and/or family. :D


Susan said…
I've always admired these but never had the nerve to do one. My hats off to you. Great job.
Anonymous said…
Gingerbread houses are such fun. Yours looks very nice. But, keep you mitts out of the building supplies!!! ;-)
Anonymous said…
I Love your Gingerbread house, and so festive for Christmas! Happy Thanksgiving!!
I posted my "Share & Tell Too!
xo Jeannene
Anonymous said…
What fun creating a gingerbread house. Have fun completing it! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
nannykim said…
Looks like it will be very nice--hope you don't have any cats and dogs that would like to nibble. My cat goes crazy at the smell of mint!! He is worse with this smell, than with catnip!
CraftyAshley said…
Looks good. Hope you and your family have a great weekend.
Mommy said…
Lovely Ginger bread house! I made one when I was a teenager and it was very fun. The girls are getting old enough now to do this with them. One idea is to use ghram crackers as the "ginger" bread. At least for children, so you don't have worry about the ginger bread falling apart while the children are working with them.
Jane H said…
Ginger bread houses are so fun to make. A great roof is the frosted Mini Wheats they look like there is snow on the roof :)
Jean said…
What a cute house! This is a great new family tradition to start.
Unknown said…
We love doing Ginger Bread houses too !!! It is lookin' good !!!

Anonymous said…
How fun!! I have never made one, but I imagine all the decorations would be sampled around here, too. :-)
JavaMama said…
THat looks great! We tried to do one last year and it just kept falling apart, my falt I assume. Maybe we can try again this year.

JOYfully in Him,
Sandra Evertson said…
Oh my Gosh!
Love this!
Sandra Evertson
SweetAnnee said…'s awesome and looks good enough to EAT
I've always wanted to do one, but never have..your's is great

Anonymous said…
That is a lot of work but so rewarding. I'll want to see it completed.
Rose of Sharon said…
Oh, that is so neat! I love it. I have made one or two in my life, but I was never good at it. I always thought it would be a fun tradition to make a big beautiful one every Christmas. You did a great job!

:0) Sharon
Crochetingangel said…
Your house looks great, we do this every year with the kids and my MIL. She is a baker so she does some special recipe for the gingerbread house so it doesn't fall apart. And we use all kinds of different candies to decorate them with. The younger kids get the grahm cracker ones. We even had a train one, I think was last year. They are alot of fun to do with the kids and yes so hard to keep from sampling the goodies :)

Great Job, can't wait to see it finished


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