Show and Tell Friday (9/21)

Welcome to "Show and Tell Friday!" Do you have a something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, an antique find. Your show and tell can be old or new. Use your imagination and dig through those old boxes in your closet if you have to! Feel free to share pictures and if there's a story behind your special something, that's even better!

I don't remember if I had shown this before, but this is an ensemble I crocheted for Sweet E last year. It is made out of size 3 thread and the set includes the dress, hat and bloomers. I made it for her 2nd birthday. I loved it. I thought she looked wonderful in it.


Anonymous said…
Hootin Anni said…
How wonderful!!! Love the colors you used. And your daughter ---she looks like a porcelain sweet.

Awesome show n tell
Joyfull said…
Wow, that is beautiful! I love the colors.
Susan said…
That is so lovely and sweet.
Anonymous said…
How sweet, the crocheted dress, bonnet and little one you made it for. Blessings...
nannykim said…
I can't believe it-I thought it was a doll, REALLY. I had to look at more of your blog to see that it was not a doll, but a real kid. She is awesome!!
Susie said…
How wonderful that you have the talent to create such beautiful things for your "little doll" She looks so adorable :)
LBP said…
Very pretty!
Lori said…
OH my gosh that is so neat.
She is such a cutie pie.

You are a very talented at crocheting. I crochet too...but nothing that good.
I crochet dish clothes and pot holders.
Hannah said…
That's really pretty! You did that yourself?!!
Anonymous said…
How talented you are.

Oh that is just darling!!! I love it! I wish I could make something as cute as that! You are so talented!!

Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving your sweet comment. Please return often! :)

Kristy Jo said…
ok that is one of the sweetest things i have ever seen (and the dress is adorable as well :P)
Carole Burant said…
Such an adorable little model you have there:-) The outfit you made her is just gorgeous, love the hat!! xo
Very cute! Thanks for visiting my blog today ~Amy
Anonymous said…
How adorable -- both the girl and the outfit. :-)
Mrs. Anna T said…
Oh wow! Well, you've already visited my blog, so you know I am, too, a huge crochet lover. This is just too cute!
Unknown said…
Just darling! Both the outfit and your daughter!

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