
I just wanted to take time this evening to thank a very special lady. I won't mention who it is...but she knows I am talking about her. We were blessed today by a wonderful Sister in Christ and I just wanted to publicly thank her for what she has done/provided for my family out of the goodness of her heart. Thank you so much means so much to us. :o)

I also wanted to give a quick update about the fleas. Every time Hubby checks the dog he only sees one...maybe two. I haven't noticed any bites on the children or any in the house. we decided it would be alright for the children to play in the yard again. Big T ended up with over 7 bites just from this evening and they were even under his clothes! I didn't even get any bites today and I was going in and out all day long doing laundry. I just feel so bad for him. I can't believe that they weren't even on his feet, arms, or hands, but under his clothes. I really hope these things go away soon. As least they are out of the house..well..we think they are anyway for the time being.


Anna said…
I sure hope you get rid of these fleas soon. Hopefully, with the weather getting cooler they will die off soon.
Anonymous said…
I don't know if you'll find this helpful or not, but eucalyptus (sp) oil can be a great help with fleas. If you add some to your doggy shampoo, the fleas will fall off dead! and maybe you could mix some with water and dish washing liquid (for staying power) and spray the yard? Just an idea that may or may not work.... (((((HUGS))))) sandi

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