DD Birthday Dress

DD's birthday isn't for another month, but we had her party this past weekend with my inlaws. It was a "joint" birthday party with her Papa. Since his birthday was the 20th and hers is the 24th of March it makes it easier to just have one party instead of one this month and one next month. Her is a picture of the cake I made for her. What do you think? I was very pleased with the way it turned out.
The next pictures...some of you may recognize her birthday dress. I finished it this past fall, but it was too big for her because I purposefully made it that way so she could have a special dress for her birthday. Well, I put it on her and I was surprised how much weight she has gained in the past few weeks. I didn't know if it would fit, but it worked out alright. But she won't be in it much longer I am afraid.

She really loves hats! I still can't get over how cute she is in this outfit, but I am just a little biased. ;)


mom4x said…
GREAT JOB on the cake...It looks too pretty to eat. I don't think you are biased at all ... she is adorable. I love the way she looks in her hat and dress. They grow so fast its hard to keep them in clothes and when you put all that work in the ones ya make you wanna make them big enough to last awhile..I do the same thing..
Marci said…
I can't believe how all 3 of your children look just like their Daddy!!! She is adorable in her dress and hat.
Anna said…
She is soooo cute. And the dress is gorgeous. Where'd you get that pattern??? *wink* Your cake is beautiful. Where were you last year when I tried to make a butterfly cake? Mine didn't turn out near as well as yours. I am having a friend make one for us this year.

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