Snikiddy Snacks: A Review

A healthy, tasty alternative to typical fried snacks like potato chips, making them a favorite for families seeking healthy snack options-

  • All Natural
  • Gluten-free
  • Wheat-free
  • No corn syrup
  • Peanut-free
  • No preservatives
  • No trans fats
  • No hydrogenated oils
  • 50% less fat than potato chips

Price: 4.5 oz. bag for $1.79

Wahoo! That's exactly what I said when I was given the opportunity to review the Snikiddy Baked Fries (Cheddar cheese flavor). As soon as I saw it was a gluten free snack I was so excited. Since Beloved cannot eat gluten it can be a challenge to find snacks for him. When the package came in the mail it took every drop of will power I have to not eat the whole thing before Beloved got home. LOL I was able to resist so he could be the one to taste the baked fries first. They are absolutely delicious! I cannot wait to get my hands on some more. This is something I definitely want to keep on hand in our home. :-) The have a nice crunch to them, although personally I would prefer a little less flavoring, but Beloved thought they were perfect. :-)

Wanna chance to win your out Snikiddy All Natural Baked Fries? Become a fan on FB and
fill out the sweeps tab to enter for a chance to win the weekly drawing for a Snikiddy gift basket or the grand prize- a Jamis kids' bike.

*Disclosure: Mama Buzz and reviewers, received a complimentary temporal scanner review purposes.*


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