Bread, Soccer and the Camera

Well, I figured I better post a few pictures while I still could. It takes me about 4 minutes or so of constant trying to get my camera to turn on and take pictures (I am not kidding). I would be surprised if it lasts another week or so. I am praying that it will hold out for a long while yet. But I guess I will have to wait and see. Anyway, the other day I made a wonderful gluten free bread recipe. I have been trying to get it to rise higher and this time it did. I was so excited it looked all beautiful coming out of the oven...see?

But after setting out for just a couple of minutes it started to deflate. :-( I was so sad. I don't know...should I have baked it longer? It did look really good, but it just didn't stay. Oh well...Beloved and the children still enjoyed it but I won't be happy until it "stays!" LOL :-)

This past Saturday was picture day for Upward Soccer. It was so cute to see all the children in their uniforms and our family lucked out big time. Big T's pictures were at 9:45 am and Sweet E's were at 10:00 am. Right after one another. I thought we would at least have to wait for a half an hour, but they were scheduled back to back. I wanted to try and get a picture of Sweet E and Big T together in their uniforms at home, but Sweet E had another idea. She wanted nothing to do with it. This is the best I got. (I should add that Big T is the one that suggested posing like this)

Then she was gone.....

But her spot was quickly taken. :-)

What do you think? Future upward soccer player? :-)

Then this past Sunday the family got together to celebrate our niece's 17th birthday. I still can't believe she is a senior and will be graduating this year. I still remember her as the "very proper" young lady at our wedding. I made her a shirt with a reverse applique '10 on it. She seemed to like it.

So now I am off to update our school blog...busy week. We had soccer practice Monday night, I pick up the coop order tomorrow, midwife appointment Friday, meeting Saturday night, and during the day on Saturday we have a PNB family "function" at a campgrounds near where Beloved works. So...I pray you all are having a blessed week.


Marci said…
I will ask around about the bread for you. Keep trying. :)
Anna said…
Great pose! Tell Big T I said so. :) And yes...I do believe Little E will make a wonderful soccer player. It looks like the children are having so much fun with it.
I've had a bad bread week too. Maybe we should get together and see if we can at least laugh while we pop out our flops! My family is eating mine, too. How, I'll never know.

Cutie kids!!!
Mrs. R said…
Hello Melanie,
I saw a request for gluten free bread HELP! from Marci and knew I could help!

I am not gluten free, but many families in my church are. They lovingly share their recipes... and this young woman is one of the very best cooks and bakers I have ever seen. And everything she does is gluten free!

Here is her blog post about her most excellent gluten free bread! I hope this helps.
Mrs. R

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