Here We Go Again!

I thought after potty training two in the last three years that the third time wouldn't be so hard. Yeah....someone should have smacked me upside the head. I don't know what I was thinking. I guess I was dreaming. I have had times where I wonder why I am even trying to do this and then I remember I have a new baby arriving in about 8 weeks. This would be my first chance to not have 2 in diapers. Then I smile thinking of only having to change diapers on one child and the money we will save. So with the Lord's help I am pushing on through. Sorry I haven't had pictures lately. My camera only works about 1/3 of the time now and when it does work I do my best to get pictures of our homeschool lessons and projects. So remember to check on over at our homeschool blog to see some updates there as well. So...I better head on over to update that blog and get to cleaning, organizing, decluttering, and potty training. I pray you all have a blessed week! :-)


sabrina said…
good luck. Thankfully, Mikaela has pretty much trained herself. She is still in pull-ups at night and for long car rides, but otherwise does really well.
Love23 said…
Hi, I've visited your blog and enjoy it. Success for you.
Anna said…
I am praying that it goes smoothly for you and that he can be trained by the time the baby arrives
One of mine was pretty easy and the other was nigh unto impossible. Hugs and kudos to you for hangin' in there! I won't give you any tips. I'm sure you know them ALL. It's just that each one is so different and you know what works best more than anyone else. I'm so excited for you about your new arrival!

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