Resurrection Day (weekend)

Wow, a whole month since I posted last. Really? It can't have been that long......can it? I guess I have let "life" take control. Not good. My sister kindly reminded me that I needed to get a post up. (She is having withdrawal. :-)

The day before Resurrection Sunday my parents came up to see us and bring the children some goodies. :-)

Checking out all the goodies

Getting help from Grandma
Special K loves to go on walks!
 Then after my parents left we went with my Mother-in-Love to the circus in town. I had to turn away for most of the first act because it made me so nervous. Especially since they did all of this inside of a building at the fairgrounds.

He was just inches from the beams in the building. Aack!

Big T was chosen to be apart of the hula hoop contest. Poor kid didn't have a chance. ;-)
 Resurrection Sunday was wonderful (although a very long day). We attended sunrise service, breakfast, and the morning service. Then we had the church service we do at CCRC (Country Club Retirement Campus). We tried to get pictures of the children while we were at CCRC, but Special K wanted nothing to do with it.
Three of my Blessings

Special K could care less about a picture.

See....she did not want any pictures taken.
She did finally give us one smile.
It was a very busy weekend, but a good one. The Lord has blessed us in so many ways. We have had a lot happen the past month and a half, but the blessings far outweigh all the trials.


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