Just Another Day in Paradise

Most of you probably have noticed the first song that plays when you open up my blog. It's sort of become our family's song. When something else seems to go wrong I play this song and a smile comes to my face. If something happens at home and I send a text to Beloved that says, "Just another day in paradise" he knows that something happened but that it will be okay. Life isn't easy. Maybe it seems that way for some, but not for us. And...that's okay. The Lord has helped us through so much. If it wasn't for God I don't know how I would have made it through last week. I'm not perfect. I had a couple of breakdowns when it all seemed like too much, but everything was taken care of. Looking back I know that it was God. He provided everything we needed last week. He is good.....ALL THE TIME!

As I look around the house at the cracks in the plaster, the leaking shut off valve, the cars (only one is running), and the piles of laundry... I can let it overwhelm me. Or I can smile and go on with my day. I would like to say that I always have that attitude, but I don't. My temporary wedding ring (too fat to wear the original) says Christ's Strength on it. Referring to Phillipians 4:13- "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." No matter what happens, with my husband at my side and God carrying us through, we will make it. It may not be pleasant or the way we want it to turn out, but God never turns his back on us and I am so grateful for that. 

We have a mountain in front of us to climb, but at least we know (for now) how big that mountain is and we can take it one step at a time. (we need two new(er) vehicles and need the majority of our drain line, from the house to the city sewer, replaced.) I don't know how we are going to purchase these things, but I know that God will help us through. He will carry us through.

So, that is my rambling for the day. Sorry if it seems all over the place. I just wanted to write this down and share it with you all. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May his face shine upon you and give you peace. Oh...make sure you listen to the second song on my playlist. I love to listen to it at least a couple of times during the day. Blessings to you all!


Brian said…
These are hard and crazy times. We've been through an intense year and it's FARRRRR from over. When I look ahead I don't see how we will make it but God does and I'm leaning heavily into that. Maybe we had to get here to start leaning more. Glad you're finding the joy where it always exists: at the end of gratitude. Nice to "see" you. :)

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