The One Year Devotions for Preschoolers

Title: The One Year Devotions for Preschoolers 2
by Carla Barnhill; illustrated by Elena Kucharik
Age range: 3-6 years old
Publisher: Tyndale
Price: $14.99 (hardcover)

(***Disclosure: Mama Buzz and reviewers, received a complimentary copy of this game and rocket for review purposes.**)

From the back of the book:

The One Year Devotions for Preschoolers 2 is full of more easy-to-understand devotions for your little one, and pairs each day's lesson with beautiful Little Blessings art. Your preschooler will join Kaitlyn, Zoe, Parker and Jack--and together they will learn to walk with God in everything they do each day!

When I received this in the mail I immediately knew how I was going to incorporate this into our daily lives. I homeschool my children and since we start off everyday with prayer I figured this would be a perfect way to have a short devotional as well. The children love the pictures and I love that the devotionals are a perfect way to start off our day.

There is a theme/title for each day with a verse from the Bible below it. For example on January 4 it's titled "Fantastic You" and the corresponding verse is Genesis 1:31, NIV. "Have you ever felt like nobody likes you? We all have days when we feel ignored or picked on or left out. But do you know who thinks you're amazing every single minute of every single day?......." And they always end with a saying like "When God looks at me, He likes what he sees."

I have used this as a springboard for short discussions with the children. It's even more rewarding when the children bring up a question later in the day pertaining to the devotional. There have also been days when a devotional seems to have been hand picked just for us that day. It's funny how God does that sometimes. :-) So, I would recommend it to a family with preschoolers to help start off the day right. :-D


Sharon said…
Good Ideas! I've been using it at night, but I like your idea to start the day with them.

nice job on the review - I'm still learning how to do these, so it's good to read other folk's versions.

I've been enjoying the book too!

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