It's Christmas time.....

At least, it was for this past weekend. My mother's family gets together in November to have the Christmas get together because my Grandpa and Step-grandma go to Florida for the winter. Beloved had to work, so I took the three children on my own, in the rain, for a 2 hour drive to my uncles. The drive went okay, but when we got there...we had a problem. My parents happened to arrive right behind me. I got Sweet E out of the car and handed her to Dad. She was crying, but I just thought it was because she didn't want to go to Grandpa. She just kept crying harder and harder. When Dad got to the door he looked at her and she had blood all over her mouth, the sleeve of her dress was almost completely covered and she had blood on other parts of her dress as well. She hit her mouth on something when I got her out of the car, but I have no idea what. So, once we got her cleaned up and everything the rest of the visit went pretty well. I don't have a lot of pictures (when Beloved is around I am able to get more) but I wanted to share the few that I do have. :D

Here is a pic of the children waiting patiently to open presents that were placed in front of them. :D They did really well waiting.

One of my 12 cousins received a large L@go helicopter kit. I think he sat there for about an hour putting it together. For almost half of that time Big T was under the table just watching him.
And of course a game or two of Euchre had to be played (Dad, Mom, Uncle Don, and Aunt Julie)

The children were glued to the large screen TV for a while. (I think they were watching Winnie the Pooh with Luke-> my youngest cousin who is 2)
Sweet E found the girls' toys and played up there for about an hour. She had so much fun. :D
So, all in all it was a good trip. I think I actually talked to my sister the most that day and she wasn't even there! It was wonderful to get to talk to her. I miss you Sissy. Can't wait to see you Thanksgiving week. :D


Marci said…
Poor Sweet E. I am glad it wasn't more serious. Looks like you all had a good time.

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