Oh my....I really need some mocha, but I thought I would share some photos first. I have been bad about showing them, but here are a few now. Just keep in mind that none of these are on the same day. :D
The Saturday of the big snow storm Sweet E was running through the house. She caught her foot on a chair and then, when she fell, hit another chair and gave herself a nice black eye. (A few days later Big T got a black eye as well, but his didn't show up as much as hers.)
Little E was enjoying carrying around Papa's lunch box. I thought it was pretty adorable. :)
This is a photo of Sweet E enjoying her hummus. When I make hummus it doesn't last long. Everyone loves it! She was cleaning out what was left in the bowl. ;)
Isn't he absolutely adorable!?
These next to photos are of the children painting sun catchers for residents of a local Retirement Home. The 4th Sunday of every month our family, along with another family from our fellowship, has a church service for the residents. (Beloved's Mama also works there.) Anyway, the children love making things for people, so we thought this was a good project. And yes, Sweet E is still in her jammies. I didn't want her getting the sleeves of her dress or sweater in the paint.