3 Weeks and Counting

It's hard to believe that we are already under a month till we get to meet our newest blessing. In some ways time seems to fly right on by and in others.....well, it seems to drag on forever! :-) A year ago I found out I was pregnant (the day after Father's Day) and was so excited. Little did I know that less than a month later I would find out that we had lost that blessing. God's timing is amazing. Here we will be celebrating a new life a year after loosing one. Talk about a mixed bag of emotions to be going through!

As for this pregnancy in general, it has been much harder than my others. Just different things to deal with that I haven't dealt with before. I won't go into detail (save you from TMI) but I have been uncomfortable for the past month. Usually I can deal with the end of pregnancy pretty well. This time it hurts to stand, sit, lay down, etc. I just can't stay comfortable for very long. How I wish this little one would come even a week early, but I won't hold my breath. My boys were born on their due date (my oldest was born less than 6 hours before his due date and only because they gave me pitocin) and both girls were 5 days  (or so) late. 

Anyway, I sit here typing when I should be sleeping because Beloved is about an hour away with the boys at a father/son camp out with others from church. Even though he tends to "hog" the bed, it's hard to sleep when he isn't here. Just us girls for the night. Which is nice too. Some ladies from church had a baby shower for our little one. What a blessing it was. After four children a lot of the basics are worn out. We now have plenty of towels, washcloths, onesies, soap and lotion to keep our little one clean and smelling good. :-) And plenty of rubber duckies for all the children to share. Hopefully the girls will sleep in a little in the morning and then we can get some breakfast and head out to purchase a few more things needed for the birth of our little one. Then it's back home for more spring (I mean summer) cleaning before this little one arrives.

Okay....I better get to bed. Even though it takes me 5 minutes to get out of bed in the morning I need to get some rest. It's going to be a while before I can sleep through an entire night again. Blessings to all!


Anonymous said…
I am missing your posts. Can't wait to see pictures of the new baby!

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