WonderMaps Review

I had the privilege to review WonderMaps by Bright Ideas (thanks to Timberdoodle). When I heard about the product I just jumped at the chance. Our curriculum for the year requires a LOT of maps and this is perfect. We are studying different countries and cultures all year long. 

So, you are probably wondering what is so special about the WonderMaps program. It's so special because you can customize it! It's so funny to see homeschooling mamas get excited over maps. When you are given the opportunity to make it match up with a lesson it's makes a person giddy. = ) There are over 350 maps to choose from (just to start with)! And it's not just the typical maps that you expect to find. Besides the maps of the world and the United States there are also historical and thematic maps (bible maps included.) 

Features (as listed in Timberdoodle)
WonderMaps is designed with easy-to-use layers that allow you to enjoy great customizable features with just a click. Select:
  • historical or modern-day maps
  • outline, reference, political, or topographical maps
  • black-and-white or color maps
  • features including:  names, borders, rivers, cities, physical features, and graticules
WonderMaps includes:
  • 60+ maps of the world
  • 60+ maps of the USA
  • 125 historical maps, including 25 biblical maps
  • The complete map sets from The Mystery of History vols. I–III and All American History vols. I & II

So, any map we need for a school lesson I have it right at my fingertips.  There have been a number of times when Special K gets into the school papers and marks all over them or rips them up. Now, if that would happen again I can quickly go into the WonderMaps program and make one just like it. You don't realize how happy that makes a Mama of four young children. :-) 

Even if you don't think you will use it much I would still suggest purchasing it. (Timberdoodle has it for $44.95) I would bet, that if you have it on hand, you will end up using it a lot more than you expected. Plus, it's fun to use!

This is a map I printed for my youngest  son. I could have added city names if I wanted . I could have also printed it without the state names. So much you can choose to do. 

We are studying Mexico this week so I printed out a map just for my oldest daugther. Once again I could have printed city names, rivers, the topography, color, etc. This one needed to be more plain though.

You should also sign up to get a free Timberdoodle catalog while you are there purchasing WonderMaps. (hint, hint) I also recommend liking Timberdoodle on FB to keep up with new products, reviews, and tidbits that they post. 

Legal Disclosure: As a member of Timberdoodle's Blogger Review Team I received a free copy of WonderMaps in exchange for a frank and unbiased review. 


Kim said…
That looks like a very helpful program! Thanks for sharing. :-)

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