So Much has Happened....

in the past couple of weeks. Beloved started his new job, we found out we are expecting #4, and we had a birthday, and a party for Beloved, Little E and Sweet E. So I figured I better show some pictures to play catch up. :-) Beloved wanted something different for his birthday. So I made this. The layers are meringue and a whipped topping (with a hint of orange flavoring). The topped with fresh fruit and chocolate. It was delicious!

Next up are some cupcakes that I made for the party this past weekend. Everyone loved them! I think they turned out adorable. :-) I need to update our school blog. :-) Hope you are all having a blessed week.


Anonymous said…
Wow! Those cupcakes really do look good!
The East Side said…
Hi!!! Thank you SO much for the nice comment about my bloomer longies :) And congratulations on baby #4!! How exciting!!! If you find out that you are having a girl, we'll have to work out a deal for a cute little pair of bloomer longies!! I'd love to make a teeny pair!!! :) They are really fun to knit!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your cupcakes!! What a GREAT idea!!!! The mashed potatoes (and everything else) looks SO real! The potatoes stick out to me because they are my oldest son's favorite food! I'll have to make him some of those...he'd LOVE it!

You are a blessed Mama!!! :) Bridget
Anonymous said…
Your cupcakes look amazing! Please share how you made them. I love being creative!

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