
Let's see if I can get this posted. It's amazing as I look back at what I posted on Monday. I posted that God is good...all the time. Shortly after I posted this I got a phone call from Beloved. He was laid off. NCI cut 40% of the employees (which was already down to a skeleton staff). So please keep our family in your prayers as we move through yet another transition in our lives.


Kelli said…
I will keep your family in my prayers, Melanie. ((Hugs))
Ginger said…
Aww darlin,
God knew this before it happened. I know the feeling. Guess what! Our awesome God KNEW this was going to happen before hand and He will supply the needs as they come up. I have watched God supply the needs for my own family. He is so awesome! Isn't He wonderful!
Anonymous said…
I linked here from another homesteading blog... and feel led to share this. About 2 years ago, my husband was 'let go' from his job. His time spent looking for new employment was 11 months. It was amazing how we found the strength and courage for each new day (and I recommend taking it a day at the time. Our frugal living and savings had made us able to keep going and to tighten down more than others might have.
We learned amazing things about every member of our family as we stepped up to the challenge that God allowed to happen in our lives. We found blessings in our troubles, more than we ever knew we could. I'll remember your family in my prayers.

Crochetingangel said…
Melanie I am so sorry to hear about the job loss, your family has been and will continue to be in my prayers. I will say that God is the Great provider. Steven lost his job over the summer and we dealt with some serious financial difficulties and it really taught us alot. We didn't always have everything we WANTED but we had everything that was NEEDED. God provided for us through this tough time. Steven is now starting a new job making more money than he was. This is all thanks to God and us trusting Him. I believe He will do the same for y'all. Hang in there. I know it's hard.


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