Jammie Day

Yes, if you came by my home today you would see everyone still in their jammies. Yes, I do know that it is almost 1 pm, but we still have sickness in the home. Sunday Big T was coughing a lot and had a slight runny nose. (So I kept him home from church) That night he was restless and couldn't sleep. We finally get comfortable and we here another child gasping for air. As I went to investigate I found that it was Sweet E. Poor little thing has croup...so our nights have been with very little sleep. Little E has 2 teeth trying to come through right now...so that makes him cranky and hard to tell if some things he does is due to that or if he is getting sick as well. To top it all off I know have a cold. So...besides being tired from very little sleep the past 3 nights...I am tired because of this head cold. Praise the Lord that the "brunt" of this happened yesterday when Beloved had the day off. So I just wanted to give everyone another update and let you know not to stop by my home for a while. ;) Now...I need to get my co-op order together. :D


Bella Rae said…
I'm so sorry to hear that you are all sick. You will be in my prayers to recover quickly. You are entitled to a jammie day!!!
Take care, and get lots of rest and fluids. xo
Crochetingangel said…
I am sorry also to hear of y'all being sick. Hang in there, this cold/flu has been a rough one. Bella is right the big thing is the rest and fluids, I do know the one thing that really helped me was Green tea with honey and lemon. We've had lots of jammie days around here lately and finally everyone is starting to feel better just the fatigue is lingering. Take care of you too.
Hugs and prayers on their way.
Anna said…
I am sorry to hear how sick you all have been. Poor Sweet E. with the croup. Yuck!
Jane H said…
I hope you all get feeling better...lots of sickness right now :(
Bella Rae said…
I'll let you know when to start stalking :) Yours will not be going out for a short bit because I'm still waiting for part of it to come in the mail. I'll let you know as soon as it's packaged and ready!

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