Show and Tell Friday (10/12)

Welcome to "Show and Tell Friday!" Do you have a something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, an antique find. Your show and tell can be old or new. Use your imagination and dig through those old boxes in your closet if you have to! Feel free to share pictures and if there's a story behind your special something, that's even better!

Don't you just love rainbows? I thought I would show these pictures that my hubby took one morning we he arrived at work. I think it was either Tuesday or Wednesday. I wish I had a picture uploaded of when I was in Israel...I saw a beautiful rainbow over the city of Capernum (I think that was the city it was at.) Rainbows are just so fascinating.....Don't you think? Now..I am off to see what everyone else has today. :o)


Irene said…
Beautiful! I bet the view made your day.
Thank you for stopping by!
Mommy said…
Rainbows *are* beautiful. Once I saw a triple rainbow. It was absoluetly breathtaking. Thanks for sharing. :)

And thank you for visiting my blog today.
Hootin Anni said…
Ya....rainbows!! Love 'em. Well, everything about nature I love. Your sharing of this glory, was a fantastic idea.

Drop by for some hard candies? I'd love to see you visit my Show N Tell if you haven't already.
Kristy Jo said…
oh the beautiful rainbow~~~~ what an amazing amazing thing the rainbow! thanks for sharing!
Anonymous said…
Very pretty! I love that the Lord gave us something as beautiful as a rainbow as a promise to us, and that we are able to enjoy them after a storm!

Thanks for sharing.
Anonymous said…
I haven't seen a rainbow here in a long time. Thanks for sharing.
Susan said…
I love rainbows. Thanks for sharing this with us today. It is one of God's ways of reminding us He is faithful!!!
nannykim said…
Yes I love rainbows and God often sends them just when we need it! My husband was jogging the other week and just when he felt quite despairing over a situation he turned the corner at the lake and there was an awesome rainbow--it spoke straight to his heart!
Quinne said…
How pretty, Lady! Thank you for sharing them! Blessings, Q
Anonymous said…
Beautiful! It's always so special to see one.
Martha said…
Your pictures are marvelous. Sucha beautiful reminder that God always keeps His word!

Thanks for sharing,
Rose of Sharon said…
What beautiful pictures! I love rainbows......God's promise!

:0) Sharon
Rainbows are breathtakingly beautiful and glorious!
Anita said…
Yes, you are right, there is something very special about rainbows! Thanks for sharing those pictures!

Best wishes from Germany,
Mrs. Anna T said…
Those are gorgeous. I love, love rainbows - and when I see them after a particularly heavy rain, they make me think of Noah after the Flood :P
Beautiful picture! Rainbows - God's promise to us!

Anonymous said…
I love rainbows. Thanks for sharing

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