Soccer and Preparation

Preparation......that is a word at the top of our family's vocabulary right now. We are busy cleaning, decluttering, reorganizing, etc to get ready for blessing #4's arrival. I can't believe my due date is exactly 3 weeks from today. I have a long way to go on our to do list, but I pray that we can get the majority of it done in time.

On Monday we were able to have soccer practice (the Saturday games were cancelled due to rain. the children were so sad) But...practice was freezing! It's hard enough when it's cold and windy, but when it's cloudy on top of seems even colder. I did capture a few pictures of practice on Monday. Coach and the thick skinned Little Cobras. :-)

Not real sure what little Miss S was doing, but she was having fun. :-)

Little E kept warm by playing on the swings/slide, joining the Little Cobras scrimmage, and walking in between Big T and Sweet E's practices. Wish I could have felt warmer. I just pray the rain holds off for Saturday and that we at least have a little sunshine. :-)

Big T is in all blue.....I am happy I actually captured a picture of him AND the ball in the same shot. I usually take the picture too late. :-(

Procrastination.....that is the other word on my vocab list right now and it needs to be crossed off! So I better get off of the computer and get to work. Need to do work on the MB and get the bassinet put together in preparation for the baby. I pray that you all are having a great week. And to my Sissy.....HOPE YOU HAD A GREAT FIRST DAY at your NEW JOB! (((HUGS)))


Marci said…
Melanie, you are on the last stretch!!! Hang in there.
Can't wait to see your precious new arrival. :) You inspire me to get the house cleaned and ready for the holidays!

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