Please Pray With Me
I am asking that everyone please keep this precious child of God in their prayers.
As some of you may remember Chloe and her Mama, Anna, came to visit us about this time last year. Their first night here little Chloe had her first seizure. Let me just say I never thought, in a million years, that I would find a police office coming up the stairs in my home and an ambulance outside.....ever. I know it was more than frightening for Anna as well as her husband was deployed at the time. It was a struggle just to get a hold of him. forward a year....Anna's husband is deployed once again and in the past couple of weeks Chloe has had 2 more seizures. The second one was just this morning. I know Anna is waiting to hear back from the neurologist on what steps to take now that this second one has occurred so close to the previous one. So please....please...keep little Chloe (She is about 1 week older than Sweet E) and especially her Mama, Anna, in your prayers. I know it is hard having their Papa away during this time and I am sure he would much rather be back home as well. We love you Chloe and Anna and we are praying for you!
I sure hope I can get a good car by January so I can come see you again. Its funny...I only saw you for a week, and yet I miss you. I miss your entire family.